'All movies are valid': Samuel L. Jackson's witty retort to high-brow critics of Marvel Cinematic Universe
Samuel L. Jackson, the MCU's Nick Fury, takes a stand against filmmakers who criticize Marvel films, defending the popularity and artistry of superhero movies.

Sameul L. Jackson (Source: Pie Media Group)
"Movies are movies," quipped Samuel L. Jackson, one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's stalwarts, while responding to the critical flak superhero films have been facing. Jackson's sharp retort, reported by Variety back in 2022, was directed at acclaimed filmmakers who took umbrage at Marvel movies for allegedly disrupting cinematic exhibition.
"It's easy to dismiss it"
Jackson's counterargument emphasized how changing times have demystified the art of making movies. Jackson, who has portrayed the character of Nick Fury for almost 15 years, stated, "Making movies is no longer a mystery. Kids know how to do it on their phones. So it’s easy for [directors] to dismiss it, only because people aren’t going to see their movie."
He went on to argue that people have always sought out films that allowed them to escape their daily existence. Jackson's candid and unapologetic defense underlined his belief in the value of all forms of cinema.
"All Movies are Valid"
In the face of the criticism faced by Marvel films, Jackson made a compelling case for recognizing the merit of popular films at prestigious award events like the Oscars. "All movies are valid," he asserted, suggesting that the Academy should consider acknowledging the most popular movie, as it captures the pulse of a broad audience.
In a quick-witted jab at his detractors, Jackson humorously boasted, "I’m the guy who says sh*t that’s on a T-shirt." He concluded his views with the assertion that regardless of the nature of the film, the goal remains the same: people enter the big, dark room to have a good time together.
In retrospect, Jackson's vigorous defense of Marvel films underscores the profound influence that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has had on global popular culture. Jackson's perspective offers a compelling counterpoint to the critical voices and reinforces the importance of cinematic diversity and popular engagement in today's media landscape.
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